How To Start A Meditation Routine At Home: Why Meditation Isn’t As Great As You Think

how to start a meditation routine at home-WESHAPESOUL

Starting a meditation routine at home sounds like a peaceful plan.

But guess what? It’s not always as perfect or easy as it sounds. Many try to feel more frustrated than relaxed.


Because there’s a lot more to meditating than just sitting quietly, if you’re feeling lost, stuck, or even more stressed, you’re not alone.

Our blog takes this common problem and flips it on its head.

We’ll show you step-by-step how to truly make meditation work for you, right from the comfort of your home, turning those meditation myths into a genuine peace of mind.

The Meditation Hype

how to start a meditation routine at home

Understanding the Meditation Boom

With the hustle and stress of today’s world, it’s no wonder people are turning to meditation in droves. According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), meditation practices have tripled in the United States from 2012 to 2017. This spike isn’t just happening in the U.S.; it’s a global phenomenon. The rise can be attributed to several factors:

  • Increased awareness through social media and celebrities endorsing meditation benefits.
  • Technological advancements, such as meditation apps like Headspace and Calm, make it more accessible.
  • Growing body of research supports the mental and physical benefits of meditation.

Common Misconceptions about Meditation

Despite its popularity, there are plenty of myths floating around about meditation that can mislead newbies:

  • Myth #1: “Meditation works for everyone immediately.” Just like any skill, meditation takes practice. Not everyone will feel its effects right away, and that’s okay.
  • Myth #2: “Meditation is quick and easy.” While some may find meditation effortless, others may struggle to quiet their minds. It’s a personal journey that varies greatly from person to person.
  • Myth #3: “You need to sit in silence to meditate.” Meditation can take many forms, including walking meditation or guided meditation, suiting different preferences and lifestyles.

By understanding the hype around meditation and separating fact from fiction, individuals can better approach the practice with realistic expectations and a clearer mind.

The Reality Behind Meditation

how to start a meditation routine at home

Meditation might seem like a straightforward path to peace and self-improvement. However, navigating this path is not the same for everyone. People across the globe, from bustling New York to serene Bali, turn to meditation for various reasons, but their journeys and outcomes can be as diverse as their backgrounds.

Challenges in Meditation Practices

The One-Size-Fits-All Fallacy

  • Unique Experiences: Just like fingerprints, no two meditation journeys are identical. For instance, while Sam Harris advocates for mindfulness as a profound philosophical practice, others might find solace in the simplicity of ambient sound meditations available on platforms like YouTube.
  • Varied Techniques: There’s a wide array of meditation techniques beyond just sitting silently. From dynamic yoga meditation to the structured practices offered by the Transcendental Meditation program, what works miracles for some may only bewilder others.

The Time Commitment Issue

  • Minimal vs. Substantial: A common misconception is that a few minutes of meditation are enough to see significant benefits. While apps like Headspace and Calm offer short sessions for busy schedules, truly harnessing the power of meditation might require a more substantial time investment, akin to learning a new skill.

Potential Side Effects of Meditation

  • Unwanted Outcomes: For some, meditation can stir up anxiety rather than soothe it or even lead to dependence, where one might feel unanchored without their daily practice. These aspects are less talked about but are essential considerations for individuals exploring meditation.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Immediate vs Long-term Benefits

  • Patience is Key: Immediate gratification in meditation is rare. The benefits, like increased focus and reduced stress, often take time to manifest. Guided meditations on Spotify or mindfulness courses on platforms like Coursera can offer structured paths to follow, but the true gains unfold gradually.

Understanding Personal Goals in Meditation

  • Alignment with Objectives: Identifying personal goals is crucial. Whether seeking to manage stress, improve concentration, or achieve a deeper connection with oneself, aligning meditation practices with these objectives can guide one’s choices in techniques and commitment levels.

Meditation is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and its practices are not devoid of challenges. With a realistic approach and understanding, individuals can better navigate the complexities of meditation, integrating it into their lives in a way that is most beneficial and fulfilling for them.

Starting Your Meditation Journey at Home

how to start a meditation routine at home

Creating the Right Environment

Choosing Your Meditation Space

When you’re setting out to make meditation a part of your regular routine, the vibe of your space matters a lot. You’re looking for a spot that feels like a mini-retreat right in your home. Here are a few pointers:

  • Pick a Quiet Corner: Whether it’s a cozy corner in your bedroom or a peaceful spot on your back porch, finding a place where you can minimize interruptions is key. A space that’s away from the hustle and bustle will help you focus better.
  • Comfort is King: Make sure it’s a place where you can sit comfortably for a while. This could mean dragging in a favorite chair or scattering a few plush cushions on the floor.

Making Your Space Inviting

Creating a meditation space you’re excited to use can make all the difference. Here’s how you can make your spot extra inviting:

  • Set the Mood with Lighting: Soft, ambient lighting, like what you get from candles or a dimmer switch, can help soothe your senses. Check out mood lighting options on Amazon.
  • Add Personal Touches: Whether it’s a few potted plants, a scented diffuser, or photos that bring you joy, including elements that make the space uniquely yours can enhance your meditation experience.

Selecting a Meditation Type That Suits You

Exploration of Various Meditation Techniques

There’s no one-size-fits-all in meditation. Here are brief overviews of a few popular types:

  • Mindfulness Meditation: This is all about being present. It’s about noticing what passes through your mind without judgment. Apps like Headspace can be a great starting point.
  • Guided Meditation: Perfect for beginners, this involves meditating to voiced instructions, often through an app or a podcast. Calm offers a variety of guided sessions.
  • Transcendental Meditation: A more structured form that involves repeating a mantra. It’s been popularized by celebrities and has dedicated centers across the country (

Experimentation and Flexibility in Practices

Don’t hesitate to try different methods to see what clicks with you. Remember, the best meditation technique is the one that you actually enjoy and stick with.

Incorporating Meditation Into Your Daily Routine

Setting Realistic Goals

Start by setting attainable meditation goals. Even five minutes a day can make a difference. Research shows starting small can lead to more consistent practice.

Building Up Gradually

Once you’re comfortable with your brief sessions, begin to slowly increase your meditation time. You might add a minute each week until you find a duration that feels just right for you. Remember, this is your personal zen journey, so there’s no rush. Take it one breath at a time.

By following these steps and embracing meditation with an open mind and heart, you’re not just adopting a new habit; you’re carving out a sanctuary of calm in the busy world around you. Your meditation practice can be a source of strength and serenity that grows deeper and more meaningful over time.

Overcoming Common Hurdles

how to start a meditation routine at home

Dealing With Distractions and Disruptions

Strategies for Minimizing Distractions

Here’s the real deal on keeping distractions at bay during meditation. We’ve all been there — you’re trying to focus, and suddenly, you remember you didn’t text back or that email notification pings. Here’s how to cut down on those pesky interruptions:

  1. Go Silent with Tech: Put your phone in ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode. It’s tempting to check notifications, but this setting is a game-changer. Apple and Android devices both offer easy ways to minimize digital disturbances.
  2. Timing is Everything: Pick a time when you’re least likely to be bothered. Early morning or late evening are often the quietest times.
  3. Prep Your Space: A quick tidy-up can prevent your mind from wandering to that stack of dishes or laundry. A clear space equals a clear mind.

What To Do When Meditation Doesn’t Go as Planned

We all have days when meditation feels more like a chore than a chill session. Here’s what you can do:

  • Be Kind to Yourself: It’s okay not to have a perfect session every time. Acknowledging this can take off a lot of pressure.
  • Shorten Your Sessions: If 20 minutes feels like a mountain, scale it back. Even a 5-minute meditation is better than none.
  • Switch It Up: Try a different meditation style or guide. Insight Timer has thousands of free options, making it a solid choice to spice up your routine.

Tracking Progress and Staying Motivated

Useful Tools and Apps

Staying on track with your meditation journey is key to making it a staple in your life. Here’s what can help:

  • Meditation Apps: Apps like MyLife Meditation (formerly Stop, Breathe, & Think) offer progress tracking and personalized meditations.
  • Journaling: Documenting your experience can highlight your progression and insights gained. Paper journals work, but for the tech-savvy, Day One Journal provides a superb digital alternative.

The Importance of Patience and Persistence

The path to becoming a meditation guru is more of a marathon than a sprint. Here’s why sticking with it matters:

  • Meditation benefits, like reduced stress and enhanced focus, build over time. Consistency is key.
  • Remember, every meditator started as a beginner. Celebs like Oprah and LeBron James also had to start somewhere.

Getting ahead of distractions, managing off days, tracking your progress, and keeping at it even when it’s tough are all part of the road to a rewarding meditation practice. With the right tools and mindset, you’ll turn what once felt like hurdles into stepping stones toward mindfulness mastery.

How to Start a Meditation Routine at Home: Step By Step

how to start a meditation routine at home

Starting a meditation routine at home can sound like a hefty task, but it’s all about taking things one step at a time. Think of it like planting a garden; you prep the soil, plant the seeds, water regularly, and then watch it grow. Here’s a straightforward, bullet-point guide to get you started, peppered with some helpful links and keywords that’ll make the whole process a breeze.

  1. Find Your Spot: Pick a quiet corner in your home where you can sit comfortably without being disturbed. This could be a cozy chair in your bedroom or a cushion in a spare room. The goal is to have a go-to spot for meditation. Getting this step right can make your meditation practice feel like a natural part of your home life. Check out Feng Shui for meditation spaces to create a zen zone.
  2. Gear Up: You don’t need much, but a few items can enhance your experience. Consider a meditation cushion for comfort and maybe some noise-canceling headphones if your home tends to get noisy. Websites like Gaiam have some great options.
  3. Timing is Key: Schedule your meditation sessions like you would a workout or a meeting. Early morning or late evening works best for most people, but find a time that suits your lifestyle. The goal is consistency, so using tools like Google Calendar can help keep you on track.
  4. Start Small: Begin with 5 to 10-minute sessions and gradually increase your time. Apps like Headspace offer guided meditations for different lengths and purposes, helping you to build up at your own pace.
  5. Variety is the Spice of Life: Keep things interesting by varying your meditation practices. From mindfulness meditation to guided visualizations, exploring different styles can keep you engaged. Insight Timer is a fantastic resource with thousands of free meditations.
  6. Track Your Progress: Use an app or journal to note your experiences and feelings after each session. Not only does this provide motivational insight into your progress, but it can also help tailor your practice to better suit your needs. For a digital diary, the Journey app is worth a look.
  7. Patience, Patience, Patience: Like any new skill, meditation takes time to get used to. Don’t worry if your mind wanders or if you don’t get it right initially. The goal is to improve over time, not overnight.
  8. Build a Community: Sharing the experience can make meditating more enjoyable. Join an online community or find a meditation buddy to keep you motivated. The Reddit meditation community is a great place to start.

By integrating these steps into your life, you’re not just starting a meditation routine; you’re setting the foundation for a more mindful and peaceful existence. Remember, it’s not about perfection but progress. Happy meditating!


1. Why do some people say meditation isn’t as beneficial as it’s made out to be?

Despite the widespread acclaim meditation receives, critiques often arise from its portrayal as a one-size-fits-all solution. Many find that meditation’s benefits are oversimplified, leading to unrealistic expectations. For some, meditation might not fit their lifestyle or mental health needs, and in rare cases, it can exacerbate certain psychological conditions by inducing anxiety or over-reliance on the practice for emotional stability.

2. What are the most common hurdles when beginning a meditation practice at home, and how can I overcome them?

The three most common challenges include finding an ideal space, setting aside dedicated time, and managing distractions. Overcoming these hurdles involves creating a designated meditation area that is inviting and quiet, starting with short sessions to gradually build a routine and using techniques like guided meditation apps to minimize distractions and maintain focus.

3. How do I know if I’m meditating correctly, especially if I don’t see immediate benefits?

Meditation is a deeply personal experience, and “correct” practice can vary widely among individuals. Immediate benefits are often subtle and might not be universally perceivable. The key indicators of correct meditation are increased self-awareness, a sense of calm, and a gradual improvement in focus and emotional regulation over time. Remember, benefits accrue with consistent practice and patience.

4. Is it normal to feel more anxious when I start meditating?

Yes, it’s not uncommon for beginners to feel an increase in anxiety when they start meditating. This paradoxical effect can occur as one becomes more aware of one’s thought patterns and internal states, which can initially feel overwhelming. Typically, this phase is temporary. With continued practice, meditation can help better manage these feelings. However, if the anxiety persists, it might be helpful to consult with a mental health professional.

5. Can meditation replace traditional medical treatments for mental health issues?

While meditation can be a powerful tool for enhancing overall mental well-being and is often recommended as a complementary practice, it should not replace traditional medical treatments prescribed by healthcare professionals, especially for those with diagnosed mental health conditions. It’s crucial to maintain an open line of communication with your healthcare provider about your meditation practice and any other complementary approaches you’re considering.

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Dt.Harish Beg

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Dt.Harish Beg

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